Publié le 10/11/2020 | News
Maître Régis Bergonzi has been re-elected for a new mandate as the President of the Monaco Bar Association. His colleagues, Maître Christophe BALLERIO and Maître Xavier-Alexandre BOYER were also re-elected as Syndic Rapporteur and Secrétaire-Trésorier, respectively....
Publié le 06/05/2020 | News
Bergonzi Law Firm was named as « Law Firm of the Year – Monaco » at the Citywealth International Financial Center Awards in London last January.The Awards for International Finance Centre were established to be recognition of advisors and managers in the private...
Mis à jour le 07/04/2020 | Publié le 09/01/2020 | News
The Executive Committee of the UIA which met in Luxembourg (Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg) on November 5, 2019 approved the appointments and renewals of terms of office of UIA Representatives at the International Organisations. Regis Bergonzi was reelected, for 2020,...
Mis à jour le 07/04/2020 | Publié le 06/12/2019 | News
On Thursday 28th November 2019, Regis BERGONZI was elected President of the Monaco Bar Association. Alongside him, Christophe BALLERIO and Xavier-Alexandre BOYER were also elected respectively as Syndic-Rapporteur and Secretary-Treasurer. The newly constituted...
Mis à jour le 07/04/2020 | Publié le 05/02/2019 | News
The Firm received the distinction : “Award won – Corporate Law within Monaco”. Source : International Advisory Experts is a global alliance of well-established and experienced legal, financial and consulting...
Mis à jour le 08/01/2025 | Publié le 01/01/2019 | News
To start the year 2019, Regis Bergonzi Law Firm is proud to present its new website! The former website has been online since October became more than necessary to carry out a complete update of the design and the various sections of the site to follow...
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